Thursday, December 22, 2016

Seven Simple Tips for Safer Holiday Travel

More families travel long distance to visit with friends and family during the holiday season than during any other time of the year.  Keep yourself and your loved ones safe this holiday by following these seven simple tips for safer holiday travel.

Before starting out, make sure your vehicle is properly tuned and mechanically sound.  Consider having a mechanic inspect the vehicle for potential problems so they can be corrected before they become BIG problems on the road. 

Timing is everything!  Try and steer clear of high density traffic by planning your route carefully and coordinating your departure time to avoid high-use areas such as large cities and major interstate highway exchanges during peak traffic hours.

Know your route.  Don’t rely strictly on GPS guidance- familiarize yourself with your driving directions and plan alternate routes in case of an emergency, detours, or traffic jams.

Don't drive drowsy!  More than 30% of fatal accidents occur during the early morning hours and often involve only one vehicle- often the result of driver fatigue. Keep your family safe overnight with a comfortable room at an affordable hotel.

Don’t rush.  Allow extra time for your travel than necessary so you can slow down, reduce your stress level, and remain alert while driving.  Excessive speed is a factor in most fatal automobile accidents.  Remember that it is better to arrive at your holiday party late than never at all. 

Avoid dangerous driving conditions.  If bad weather is looming with snow or ice projected to impact roadways along your route, consider postponing your travel plans, revising your departure schedule, or altering your route to avoid these hazards.  

Remain mindful of basic safety protocol: buckle up, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road, remain a safe distance from other drivers, and never, EVER drink and drive. 
By applying these seven simple tips for safer holiday travel and by observing proper safety protocol and driving regulations while on the road you can hope to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season with your loved ones both near and far.